Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Law of Breakdown

When do you feel that your body is breaking down?

I ask this question to patients all the time. Typically, they say that their body is breaking down when they feel sick or have a specific injury. This is very typical of the way we view ourselves. The truth is that our bodies are breaking down constantly, whether we feel pain and sickness or not.

In physics and chemistry, this concept is known as entropy, and it applies to all things in the universe. Your desk, your phone, your car, everything will eventually break down into dust. The big difference between these inanimate objects and your living, breathing body is that you have the ability to REPAIR things that are broken and damaged. Your body creates new cells and tissues to meet the demands of this Law of Breakdown.

This principle is the very basis of chiropractic care. The brain and spine are your power source. They respond to all stimuli and control all functions of the body. The estimated 100 billion nerve cells that originate from your brain and spine are in constant communication with each other. Interference to these signals inhibits the ability of the body to repair itself. In chiropractic we term this interference subluxation and we use the adjustment to correct the issue.

If you read my blog on spinal hygiene, you will realize that billions of people already recognize this principle when it comes to their dental health. Your teeth are constantly building plaque and to battle this you brush twice a day, floss, and get regular dental check-ups regardless if you have dental pain or not! The same thing applies to every other tissue of your body and we can tap into this repair process with chiropractic. This is the reason that people need to get adjusted. Imagine if you only brushed your teeth or went to the dentist when you could literally FEEL the plaque on your teeth! Gross 😂

When people understand this, the chiropractic adjustment shifts from being a band-aid for your aches and pains to a strategy to promote wellness in your life. When this happens, you realize that chiropractic is not an expense that you must pay for, but rather an investment in your health and quality of life.

In health,

Dr. Joel Ardner

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